AMXSA researchers participate in the International NanoArtography Competition 2024
The piece, based on structures of two-dimensional materials called MXenes, combines scientific precision with post-impressionist aesthetics. This type of project demonstrates how collaboration between art and science can open new perspectives, merging creativity and knowledge into an interdisciplinary narrative.

Director of the Millennium Nucleus AMXSA is awarded an ANID Exploration Project
The funding provided by the National Agency for Research and Development aims to promote excellence in research.

The director of the Millennium Nucleus AMXSA ranks among the top 2% most cited scientists in the world
Professor Andreas Rosenkranz's contribution to research in the fields of materials science, tribology, and MXenes was highlighted in the 2023 Stanford’s List of World Top 2% Scientists Ranking.

Professor Rosenkranz emphasized the importance of nanomaterials in a talk at the 2024 Science Festival
Young people and adults attentively listening to talks and exhibitions by scientists and researchers, children and families singing along with the children's group 'Los Patapelá' and musician Pedro Piedra, were some of the highlights of the 6th edition of the Science Festival.

Our Objective
The "Millennium Nucleus of Advanced MXenes for Sustainable Applications" (AMXSA) aims to establish itself as a cutting-edge research
center dedicated to the synthesis of MXenes in Chile and become the leading institution in MXenes research in South America.

Desarrollar de manera sustentable, un enfoque ascendente e innovador en la preparación de películas ordenadas de estos nanomateriales para su uso en catálisis, detección de gases y tribología
Esta innovadora mirada considera inicialmente la deposición de recubrimientos multicapas mediante pulverización catódica sobre patrones geométricos predefinidos preparados por fotolitografía, los que se transforman mediante tratamiento térmico en películas ordenadas de fase MAX.

To sustainably develop an upward and innovative approach
in the preparation of ordered films of these nanomaterials
for use in catalysis, gas detection, and tribology.
This innovative approach initially considers the deposition of
multilayer coatings through sputtering onto predefined geometric
patterns prepared by photolithography, which are transformed
into ordered MAX phase films through thermal treatment.
Lines of fields
The Millennium Nucleus of Advanced MXenes for Sustainable Applications aims to establish itself as a cutting-edge research center dedicated to the synthesis of MXenes in Chile. Our research lines focus on the optimization of MXenes for applications in catalysis, gas sensors, and tribology.

Optimization of MXenes for applications in catalysis
Generation of multilayer systems via sputterin to adjust the chemistry and stoichiometry, in addition to the development of protocols for the thermal treatment of the multilayers.

Optimization of MXenes for applications in gas sensors
Design of protocols for the chemical attack (etching) of the MAX phase deposited in the form of multilayers.

Optimization of MXenes for applications in tribology
Applications of MXenes thin films in catalysis, gas sensors and tribology.

Here you can see the publications made by the members of the Millennium Nucleus AMXSA in scientific journals

2D materials for durable and sustainable electric vehicles
Sustainable Grease Lubrication Induced by Graphene Oxide and LiFePO4
Evaluation of Fe3O4 incorporated functionalized carbon nanotube self-standing buckypaper as electrodes for solid-state symmetric supercapacitor
In-situ hydrogenated V2O5 thin films: Study of the structural dynamics and their behavior as Li-ion batteries cathode
Diana Berman, Leonardo Israel Farfan-Cabrera, Andreas Rosenkranz & Ali Erdemir
Dario F Zambrano, Jessica Gutiérrez González, Cristian Castillo, Javier Marqués Henríquez, Nicole Parra‐Muñoz, Julio I Urzúa, Andreas Rosenkranz
Vijayabhaskara Rao Bhaviripudi, Pravin K. Dwivedi, Durga Prasad Pabba, Radhamanohar Aepuru, Umesh T. Nakate, Rodrigo Espinoza-González, Manjusha V. Shelke
Mackarena Briceño, Roberto Villarroel, Darío Zambrano-Mera, Juan Fernández, Marcos Flores, Nicolás Rojas-Saez, Judit Lisoni, Samuel Hevia, Rodrigo Espinoza-González
Nature Reviews materials
Advaned Engineering Materials
Journal of Energy Storage
Materials Letters